FND-Work Programme transition

Would be grateful to compare notes on this emerging piece of work. In the area I work our outgoing FND prime is asking us to work with all existing FND clientele until end August, whilst our new incoming primes are all committed to delivery of Work Programme from 1st June. TUPE transition point is meant to occur on 27th June. How will this work for staff currently employed on FND who might reasonably expect to be subject to TUPE to the Work Programme? Discuss! Answers on a postcard...

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One of the successes of the lead-up to the Work Programme was to guarantee that unemployed people would continue to receive service. The DWP accepted that people could be referred on to FND and other programmes up to the last minute, with a three-month minimum service requirement.

The FND clients will be reducing in number as the Work Programme clients are increasing.

It is up to the primes on both sides to schedule the transfers under TUPE to suit client needs.

Sybil - is the 27 June publicised anywhere? If staff get TUPE'd would seem hard for current (but not WP successful) FND providers to honour their FND contracts which presumably last until the end of August, since FND starts STOP at end of May, and customers guaranteed 13 weeks of provision hence end of August.

Sybil - it is my understanding that the Primes in your area need to agree a Work Programme go live date, and staff will possibly TUPE gradually before, during and after that date - allowing exisiting FND staff to complete delivery before starting on Work Programme.

Thanks all. The overlap is great from a customer perspective but does complicate matters for the TUPE transfer. There appears to be a risk that staff eligible to transfer under TUPE but kept on to turn the lights out on FND could risk missing the boat and finding Work Programme vacs already filled by the time they finish the FND work. This is accentuated by the fact that the already agreed go-live for Work Prog is 1st June. Clearly a solutions will (as you say Welsh Lady) require fwd planning and close co-operation between the primes.

Have been told quite officially that Work Programme will be starting between the 2 dates of 1st June and 31st July if that helps any. Will absolutely need fwd planning and close co-operation but I believe that Welsh lady is correct about the expectations.

Does anyone know when the new Work Programme vacancies will be advertised? Will they only be advertised on the provider web sites?

I've been informed that the interviews will consist of 2 hour assessments, covering Literacy/Numeracy, IT, Action Planning, case scenario etc alongside being interviewed by a panel!

Has anyone else heard anything?????

@Cranberry, there are vacancies advertised on here and on several provider sites and specialist W2W recruitment agency sites but think until TUPE all sorted not that many vacancies around