Welfare to Work newswire

Free, weekly updates on news of interest to the welfare to work industry.

19th March 2010 - Indus Delta Newswire


Preferred bidders for Work Choice ... announced at last
DWP has finally announced the list of preferred bidders for Work Choice. There is one preferred bidder for each CPA being commissioned. Shaw Trust has been shortlisted in 16 out of the 28 CPAs. Working Links has got 5 CPAs and The Pluss Organisation has been listed in 2 CPAs. Leonard Cheshire Disability, Advance Housing & Support, SEETEC, Ingeus and Wise CDG are listed in 1 CPA each. See https://indusdelta.co.uk/story/preferred_...

12th March 2010


Work Choice … the final bidders should know by now

5th March 2010

PROGRAMMES & CONTRACTS – fuller stories are on Indus Delta site

Right to bid yields £1.2m to LEAP
One of the country’s most original and inspirational training and employment organisations, LEAP, has secured almost £1.2 million through DWP’s Right to Bid funding channel. https://indusdelta.co.uk/story/right_to_b...

Expansion targets for Access to Work

26th February 2010

PROGRAMMES & CONTRACTS – fuller stories are on Indus Delta site

DWP revises financial incentives in Work Choice
The trade association for supported employment providers (BASE) has published a DWP paper confirming the results of successful lobbying by specialist providers. https://indusdelta.co.uk/story/dwp_revise...

Procurement channel opened for Low Value Welfare to Work Training

19th February 2010

Programmes and contracts

It's been quite a busy week for announcements ... and announcements of a delay too...

The names of successful PQQ suppliers were published by DWP on 19th February. The successful suppliers who have passed the PQQ stage for round 2 of Community Task Force are listed here on the Indus Delta site.

12th February 2010

Indus Delta becomes part of Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion

OK ... it's not a huge news story but this marks a significant moment in the development of the Indus Delta website and merits being top story of the week. The changeover happens on Monday February 15th when Inclusion takes over responsibility for the content and management of the website and discussion forums. You can read fuller details here.

Programmes & contracts

5th February 2010

Bit of a quiet week - there's a jobs white paper out next week, racing to get through before the election. In the meantime, here's the news that's worth newsifying

Freud praises Labour's response to the recession, gets dirty looks from other Conservatives

Lots of 100-years-of-Jobcentre stories this week. The Times has a particularly informative piece

29th January 2010

Job of the week - Regional Directors for Flexible New Deal, Serco, c. £100,000 package

22nd January 2010

Employment news

A small drop in total unemployment in the latest figures, although it's expected to increase again in coming months. Full time employment continues to fall:

15th January 2009

Site stories

Centre visit - i2i's FND delivery in Manchester

Cheat sheet - Leitch Skills Review (2006)

Pre-employment training - a handy little guide

JHP Group in management buyout

Other stories

8th January 2009

Site stories

Interview with Employment Minister, Jim Knight MP

Centre visit - Remploy's WORKSTEP delivery

Labour market news

Telegraph: Rise in permanent jobs fastest since start of credit crunch

4th January 2010

A New Year's treat, there will be two newsletters from us this week! This one today, to wrap up the festive side of things (sorry for the pun...) and then normal service will resume on Friday with the regular weekly Newswire arriving in your inbox as the week comes to a close.

Ad of the week

Work for Your Benefits - TBG Learning is looking for partners in Greater Manchester, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk

Site stories

23rd December 2009

New Year, new start? Vacancies with JHP and Remploy in our jobs section.
Let us know if you would like to advertise your positions with us too.

Site stories

'Building Britain's Recovery' White Paper, and what it means

A comparison of the DWP, ERSA & Edinburgh City Strategy customer charters

Jobcentre news

11th December 2009

Site stories

Centre visit - A4e's FND delivery

What the Pre-Budget Report means for the welfare to work industry

Australian employment contracts awarded

CTF results have been published

4th December 2009

Site stories

Visit to A4e's Pathways office in Leeds

DWP introducing electronic procurement for low value tendering

FND Phase 1 subcontractors

Freud Report 2007 - cheat sheet