Staffline (PeoplePlus) announce full year 2016 results

Staffline have announced their full year 2016 results, including those from their PeoplePlus business.

PeoplePlus (previously Employability) achieved significant improvements as fully integrated business:

  • Contract performance now in top quartile
  • 22 other contracts won or extended within Employability division
  • Only provider to secure inclusion on framework for all of the Government’s new welfare to work contracts

The Combined Chairman's and Chief Executive's statement includes:

Our PeoplePlus division, which underwent a significant expansion following the acquisition of A4e in April 2015, is the largest provider to the Department for Work and Pensions of Work Programme contracts in the UK. Whilst 2016 was a relatively quiet year for new contracts being tendered, we continued to focus on operational and management changes. PeoplePlus has now started to outperform most of our competitors on the Work Programme and seven of our nine prime contracts have achieved top quartile performance during the period. Our efforts in this regard were recognised recently when PeoplePlus was confirmed as having qualified for the bidding process in every region for the new welfare to work programme, the only provider to achieve such qualification. Whilst the positive economic backdrop has continued to negatively impact referral levels across our Work Programme contracts (since there are very nearly 1m less unemployed people than when the current contracts started), we have continued to reduce overheads related to these contracts through 2016 to ensure they maintain their expected profitability.