Labour market statistics September Learning and Work briefing

  • Unemployment is 1,632,000, down 9,000 from last month’s published figure (quarterly headline down 39,000) and the unemployment rate is 4.9%, no change on last month and down 0.1 percentage points on last quarter.
  • The number of claimant unemployed is 771,000, up 2,400 on last month, and the claimant rate is 2.2%.
  • The number of workless young people (not in employment, full-time education or training) is 1,029,000, down 1,000 on the quarter, representing 14.3% of the youth population (no change on last quarter).
  • Youth unemployment (including students) is 621,000, up 1,000 on the quarter.
  • There are 2.2 unemployed people per vacancy. Learning and Work Institute estimates this figure may fall further next month.
  • The employment rate is 74.5% (up 0.1 percentage points on last month’s published figure, alhough this rise is obscured by rounding, up 0.3 percentage points in the preferred quarterly measure).

The full briefing can be found here.