People being grumpy about Flexible New Deal
Submitted by Daniel on Fri, 15/01/2010 - 1:40pm
This forum contains comments and discussion moved from elsewhere in the site that is primarily complaints about Flexible New Deal. The original New Deal has its own discussion elsewhere to prevent confusion between the two. There's an article outlining the difference between FND and New Deal here if you'd like to know more. Just for the record, moving comments here doesn't imply endorsement of them.
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Well what can I say about the flexible new deal. I was summoned on 29th December 2009 to report to my disability employment provider. I did so and I was greated withyour being put onto flexible new deal. They all but shoved a leaflet into my hands and asked me to sign for the booklet. The stupid numpties failed to realise i coudlnt read the document. I have since asked them for larger print. Will wait to see if it ever turns up
For someone who couldn't read the leaflet you've done a remarkably good job of putting a post on a blog. Clearly whatever training they referred you to worked wonders.
I take it all back - I see you meant you needed larger print. Serves me right for being sarky. Apologies.
K: you might want to consider making a formal complaint about poor customer service. Rememeber, a complaint isn't just a complaint, it's giving feedback. I'm already making a formal complaint to the jobcentre about not being able to choose which provider (2 in my area) I want to do the FND with.
gerry if you going on fnd dont sign the form about data protection, to say they can store data on you. if I get put on fnd I will not sign anything I will go on it though
Highpark1: Thanks for the tip about data protection, will bear it in mind. I've no intention of making things easy for them!
You have no intention of making things easy for them? Are you looking for work or not? If you were serious about looking for work, you should focus more on using as many options, providers and source possible to give you the opportunity to secure employment. Rather than making formal complaints, you should change your attitude and be more grateful to what services are provided out there for you. You may be referred to an FND provider which makes your attendance mandatory but there are plenty of other organisations where you can sign up voluntarily and access more employment support.
Highpark1 & Gerry - you guys should seriously look at opportunities working in complaints departments with local authorities...
many thanks phillip I had never thought about a job in complaints, any jobs going in complaints in Government???? send me a job app
Highpark1 and I are not complaining, were giving positive feedback. And what thanks do we get, none.
i have been out of work for 6 month and the job centre told me i would now go on to flexi new deal stage 3,they said you should hear from a provider within 28 days but if not let us know,its not my job to sort this out at the end of the day,no one has contacted me and the job centre just get someone to sign me on and thats it they dont want to know,they just tell me to sign from 4pm to 5pm every 2 weeks on the same day,very strange
If they have told you the provider should contact you and they have not.... COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont think the provider was a4e or intraining,think it may of been working links,sod that im not saying anything or complain as i dont want to go on new deal anyway,i did send working links a email but they said we dont contact you,didnt sound like they was anything to do with flexi new deal,the woman in the job centre just sent my name and addy with phone number and that was it,if new deal providers want to contact people why dont they send a letter to them,its not my job to run after them
Anon: I've had a "FND Stage 3 Subsequent Review" at the jobcentre earlier this month. And although they said I had been allocated to A4e they never said anything them contacting me.
Highpark 1 & Gerry - assume you're both happy for JCP to hold your personal details to pay your benefits ...
Highpark1: Do you live in London, which borough?
Guys, it's tough out there at the moment - we all know that. W2W has a massive task of adapting to these difficult times, especially with the number of unemployed rising, the diverse pool of job seekers (recently made redundant), the competitivenes out there and the financial cut backs in creating new vacancies. New DWP contracts demand more for less from W2W providers - it's becoming a very challanging time for everyone. Nevertheless, you have to look at the opportunities from a different perspective, there are thousand's of people out there who can't access W2W programmes due not coming under certain eligibility criteria - what do they do? They have to cope by themselves, with no access to free travel to interviews, interview clothing, benefit advice, 1-2-1 personal career advice and coaching, they don't have access to hundreds of account managed vacancies with local employers, incentives to sustain employment...
Consider yourselves fortunate that you have an option and people that will call you up, spend time with you to assist with your job search (even on a 1-2-1 basis, give advice on creating CV's, tailor cover letters, etc
Looking for work is a full time job in itself! Remember that, without a positive attitude, realistic job goals and willingness to develop your skills and progress - you don't stand a chance - there's too many people out there willing to put in the hard work needed to secure employment and improve their lives!
Wake up guys... jobs won't come to you!
Create Action Plans! Organise yourselves: plan in advance what you want to achieve - set yourself a target, have a deadline. Use all sources, advisors possible, tell them what you want to achieve and when. Set yourself a target that everyday you will apply for 5 jobs, approach the hidden market - call employers directly, pop into businesses, speak to HR, friends, family - network!!!! Don't have a good CV, have a fantastic one! Be proud of it, ask more professionals to view it - ask for their feedback. Show it to employers, ask them whther they would employ you if they had vacancies, take down the numbers, call them every month... be persistent... be determined... stand out of the crowd!
@Grumpy yes I am quite happy for jcp to have my data because i no it is well looked after with jcp unlike our data at some w2w providers all our data they keep on pen drives left on desks for anyone to get a hold of and clients work in the office. this happend at my w2w we all went to pontins for a recruitment day a week or so later people started getting emails saying they had got the job, the placement woman was over the moon!!! she phoned pontins up pontins did not no what she was on about pontins never sent the emails!!!!!! our data was very secure wasn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Phillip I live in merseyside not london
Not too familiar with Merseyside - have had a look at vacancies with councils in Merseyside, quite a variety to chose from - haven't seen any complaint handler vacancies... maybe worth calling the complaints department up and speaking to the manager and asking whether you could do some work experience to gain further skills in this area.
There's some useful stuff in these topics, and some fairly robust defence of the more defensible aspects of delivery from people involved in it. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to change the name of the topic at some point, but not as long as people are posting about trying to avoid going on FND in the first place.
I'm willing to give my personal details to a provider, but only after I have a clear explanation of how it will be used. And that nothing that personally identifies me is passed onto a third-party (exc Jobcentre). Like highpark1, I have also witnessed a breach of the 1998 Data Protection Act whilst on the old New Deal. So I'm no longer prepared to turn a blind eye to such abuse.
many thanks phillip I have applied for 4 council jobs today dont hold much hope for 3 of them but 1 of them i could be in with a chance, never thought about council jobs.
I must be registered with 30 or 40 agencies I am registered with 2 places that help you with cv etc i go there every day I dont have to go there i go coz i want a job.
just a thought maybe a post about how to help us get working? I would not of thought to apply to council just a thought saying that thats not what indus delta is about
I'm working on a proposal for something along those lines, as a separate site. There isn't really much in the way of support for long term unemployed people online - lots of basic job search advice, and lots of job search sites, but not much in the way of actual community, support and feedback mechanisms.
It is natural to be unhappy about change.
Regarding 'work boosts': How much do you get on top of your JSA for those four weeks? Is it just a case of travel expenses or do they give more? I bet whatever it is, it isn't much. Can anyone enlighten me as to what the fixed rate is? I'm with a4e.
You don't get anything extra.
This is a Jobcentre issue - nothing to do with which provider you are with
If they don't got an extra for those 4 weeks you can predict there will be protests and refusals to participate when it becomes more widely know.
Can anyone tell me who I need to contact (legal team)to take legal action towards a so called provider for not doing there job and in fact just using us a paid for clients and doing nothing for there money as in many cases the 2 week trained advisors dont know what they are doing and if you complain they do nothing about it and in fact what I have been told this provider cant even keep there own staff and have even [removed - see below] to try and cover up how bar they are as a provider,
[Moderation - getting a bit close to identifying the provider there. Every centre has a complaints process in a poster on the wall and outlined in your induction, with escalation routes]
Matty: I'd complain to your jobcentre advisor about the provider. And if they fail to do anything you should contact your MP.
@Matty London you want to complain to the 3rd party provision team manager london(if you live in london) am not sure of there addy go to your job center ask them for the address or phone them i will see if i can find the london 1,
In reference to the problem/advice above, I have only recently been forcibly moved to FND. I did not sign the Data Protection Act because I have firm evidential reason to doubt the morality and legality of this Government (specifically with use and misuse of data, if within a different department - 'Education'). At any rate I have a right to privacy. With regards to my referral to a so-called 'Provider', I made a complaint about my personal data being shared with, effectively, unknown private enterprise (who then, even more effectively, introduced themselves by threatening the aleady subsistence level of our family income, on account of their notion that I had somehow missed an interview I knew nothing about).
Naturally, I am searching the web for information, for all angles of FND and I am surprised here to learn from the posted comments above that the relevant writers are unaware that the most basic of human rights, to have a voice, is being undermined. From another serious Forum/site I am led to understand that there is no independent FND Ombudsman, as vitally recommended, and that a 'Vexatious Complaint System' controlled by the DWP/JCP themselves has precipitated the likelihood of complaints, insofar that it will itself be readily used as a counter-action (to any given number or nature of complaints) to produce the same proscribed punitive financial sanctions. In other words, if there's much to complain about, particularly where you may feel your dignity is being abused by self-appointed saints on salaries, you'd be well advised to know that the worse the abuse the more you are out on a limb. In reference to human rights, it's about as legal as a war. A sad tale of looming disaster, in past, present and future unaccountability.
I shouldn't have to justify myself, except insofar that I comply with my application conditions for JSA but I do voluntary work. It is worthwhile, fulfilling and, hopefully, helpful to individuals and society.
Forcing folk to work for no pay is a different concept entirely and, in this case, one which threatens unpaid voluntary work. It also undermines wages and employment.
Greece, Rome, National Socialism, slavery is just that, accompanied with convenient adjustments of law to justify the 'Provider'. If I was helping, I'd be asking where are the safeguards and rights for and of the people we may, at root, profess to serve ? Alternatively, from my own point of view, do I have to subsist on seaweed because the Department of Nutrition (or 'Nuts') has instructed it is good for me ?
There are so many misnomers around it is usually best to presume the opposite, before learning the hard way. 'Flexible New Deal' = Order that must be obeyed. 'Better-Off Calculation' = Rigged maths. 'Work Experience' = Slave labour.
The colours of the flag may change but the mantras remain the same. They will be rehabilitated. Work will make them free.
Is anyone else getting tired of reading this type of politicised rubbish on this forum?
Human rights also include the right to not claim benefits if you don't want to look for or take up paid employment. With rights come responsibilities and it's about time people started to take more notice of the latter before demanding the former!
Maybe if all of those on this forum who spend a lot of time trying to work the system and knock the efforts that are made to help them, spent as much time on preparing themselves for employment, getting the skills employers actually want from employees, and actively seeking work (using effective methods and skills) then everyone would be better off.
But maybe, just maybe, those people who keep slagging off the system are the ones who actually NEED the help on offer because they can't/won't take the steps they need to get into work.
We all know that the government isn't perfect, welfare to work providers aren't perfect and god forbid none of US are perfect.
Rant over (for now).
Well, the title is "people being grumpy about flexible new deal" so this is the right thread...
More seriously, the attitude expressed by icarus is one reason why DWP and many in the sector are rather more negative about voluntary work than they could be. Some use voluntary work to build their skills and experience to get a paid job when they don't have to depend on benefits. Some don't and see voluntary work supported by benefits as an end in itself.
The experience when Government has followed the latter route of providing volunteers through programmes may have been good for the voluntary organisations who get dependent on this support, but may do little for those who do want a paid job.
Typical of those who force their political rubbish down the throats of others whilst taking the food out of their mouths. How I spend my time is not another's business. I don't have to justify my experience or opinions. For the record here, I am apolitical as there is no democracy but a pretence one (the majority don't vote for the liars and crooks). In any case, whether you label something political or not is irrelevant. The fact is the needy, in this case the elderly, will go without because (a) society doesn't appropriately cater for their needs in the first place; (b) because little hitlers love to be justified by the party and they are willing to fall for the inane propaganda and diversion of necessary public funds to private enterprise (i.e. lies and thieving). To say nothing of forced slave labour. The reply comment of Lazarus does however exemplify the tedious and bitter amorality of folk who are able to think for themselves but not for others.
As for making efforts to help people, as claimed, wouldn't it be decent to ask first if the type of attitude Lazarus has to offer is remotely welcome ?
I do agree that no-one is perfect, so who is anyone to judge ? Instead of ranting about other folk speaking (indeed the very same attempt to deny the right to think and speak)why don't folk like Lazarus (we can all play generalisations with particular people's lives we know nothing about) stop defending a greedy capitalist exploitative system ? Because it serves them well ?
I'm actually defending welfare to work (which is what this forum is about) not because it serves me well but because I see an awful lot of people in this industry putting a huge amount of effort into helping people back into work, transforming people's lives for the better, and achieving success. Without the "greedy capitalist exploitative system" there are many people who wouldn't be where they are today eg happy, successful, in jobs they enjoy, improving their lives and their families future, making a positive contribution to society and their community etc.
As I said, none of it's perfect, we all know that, but it isn't the beast from hell that a minority of users on this forum try to make out.
[Moderator says: this thread has got slightly inflamed and, despite the title of the discussion, I appeal for a little calm]
I was instructed to attend a mandatory appointment at a private business office making profit out of unemployment (it has cost £187,000 per person finding work through New Deal & FND), given that they'd received my private and personal details from JCP, without my permission.
Whilst there, another mandatory appointment was made for a day when I do Voluntary Work, they refused to change it because they've got folk arriving in batches to go through unannounced 'Induction' programmes, CV sessions and the like. No matter that essential Community Services are disrupted, already relying on charity through underfunding. For me, a day of meaningful work destroyed.
Furthermore, I am treated like a dog, being instructed to fetch and carry their paraphernalia. Told to sit, told when I can go.
This forum is headlined "People being grumpy about Flexible New Deal". This is my experience. Were my experience a good one, I'd no doubt have said so.
The Capitalist system, by it's very nature pyramidical, is dependent upon such exploitation. It is all about materialistic welfare, achieving the greater production for the minimum of cost. It has nothing whatsoever to do with making people happy, though there can be little doubt that being well-off is preferrable to poverty and disenfranchisement. The trouble is that all resources are finite and the more one gets, the less there is for others.
It's all very well claiming to help folk when such help is imposed, it is the justification one needs when picking up a salary. But just try explaining that it costs more to do less (funds set aside for the welfare budget are being diverted to private enterprise at an exorbitant rate), that people are being treated without dignity, as slaves, that those running the system (on behalf of business, not their subjects - note: 'subjects', not citizens, as UK residents are), and that job prospects are actually being damaged, then the same imposition of silence descends.
I am reminded of my daughter, who, when asked what Purgatory was in a school Religious Instruction, answered "There's no such place." All hell broke loose, as she was victimised thereon by the underlying malice of unregulated authority. She was denied her right to a Governors' hearing for the entire duration of her secondary Education and with the complicity of a local Council, the Education/Schools & Families department and the Permanent Secretary who all produced misinformation in a most deceitful manner, time and time again. That is how the system works in this country. Dishonestly. Even unto themselves. There are countless other examples, major ones like 'Iraq', and son on. The trouble is that this will continue with each complicity of the individual, whether through silence or imposing silence. Or, indeed, altering laws on the latest whim.
The trains that ran to Auschwitz were dependant upon timetables, signalmen, finances, all sorts of things which they couldn't have managed without. The imposition of fear and silence also played a fundamental role. And there was an abundance of profit for some.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and, like all entitlements, it is not granted by authority, it is a natural right.
However, as one clearly has no rights and one's basic freedom is undermined merely in recounting actual experience, I propose that one doesn't have to listen...unless it is imposed. Whilst wefare-to-work programmes (or, as detailed in the FND prospectus - 'welfare FOR work')remain as they are (I know of one case where improper financial sanctions, as was decided in law in that case, resulted in the suicide of a young mother), it is worth remembering the saying that 'The road to perdition is paved with good intentions'. I am aware that a huge amount of effort is put into this.
By all means, help those that ask for help. But what does it serve a person to 'gain the world and lose his soul' ? Do I know of a better system ? one may ask. Yes. But what's the point in speaking where it is not allowed ?
In conclusion, and to prove the point in adopting such mentality, I propose to block all responses from being received by myself forthwith.
'Let them eat cake'.
Was just wondering if anyone watches 'Rich, Famous, and Jobless' on BBC (Tuesday methinks...)?
It's just occurred to me while watching the Wolverhampton part with XXXXX (Don't know the celebrity - someone called Suzi) that Emma Harrison has 'suggested' the guy go to 'a government backed programme' that - wait for it - only happens to be A4e in Wolverhapmton!
I really don't blame her for doing this - my question therefore is should the TV license payer be paying for an open advert for A4e and it's services? And surely during FND2 procurement and bid evaluation this is exceptionally poor timing for a publicly funded institution to openly advertise a providers services who has tendered for a number of contract(s)not dissimilar to the one advertised on TV?
Maybe this is the wrong forum to mention it on.
Lazarus - well said and right on the money
Icarus - wow, spend as much time searching for paid work than for ways to strangle FND and you may just surprise yourself. Actually you do need to justify yourself if you are taking public money, I for one want to know that benefits go to people who genuinely need them not to those who cannot be bothered to find work and continually undermine the system.
I work for a successful provider - with success being defined as the people we help into sustainable work, I enjoy what I do, am passionate about it and treat people as human beings and with respect BUT the number of people who are able to work but do not WANT to work is astounding, they expend their energy trying to buck the system and cause disruption - I have no time for these people and they are simply suspended from the programme and often end up with benefit sanctions - serves them right.
You seem to be an intelligent guy, take a step back, see the big picture and use your energy in a positive way.
Lazarus - well done for the voice of reason
I find it hard to believe that so many people can moan about being out of work and then not taking advantages of the schemes and services on offer. I've been out of work for a while, in fact I had to quit smoking to save money, but I'm constantly looking for ways into work, I've started a small business selling things like smoke remedy but it barely covers the bills, so I totally condone services that help people get back to work.
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Icarus - contact big brother watch about data disclosures - theyre only to keen to hear about this sort of thing
sashwertz -id love my own buisness if i had help with it and could work it around my health problems - theres little incentive out there at the moment, you try do something and get penalised for it by huge tax hykes and buisness rates etc - and your dla been taken away that is the stabalisers that keep you afloat - know many go down like the titanic in this situation lately
I have a friend who is autistic spectrum, he went to collage to train to be a farmer, his mum helped him learn to drive, he has a car. while at college he used to cut my hedges for me as i struggle due to my condition -
he left college last autumn hoping to find work - he applied for god knows how many farming and herticultural jobs to no avail - as he is autistic spectrum aspergers he had dla at the time - eventually this was stopped and he went onto esa - he was recently sent onto a work placement cleaning up canal towpaths by the jcp - its basically dead end cheap labour replacing the full time jobs the bwb used to have for canal maintanace crew - all he does all day is pick up litter, dog poo, vomit, broken glass, for basic benefit rates plus a tenner - the tenner doesnt even cover his travel fare to the placement - his father recently visited him at work to take him some food for his lunch, when he got there he found 15 people sharing a small cabin that had a faulty heater, only cold running water, and a portaloo that was disgusting and filthy and stank - the supervisor had not been trained in supervision, and no first aider was present, they had no safety goggles, and no disposable gloves.
What is this??? - it certainly isnt a proper job, and there are huge breaches of health and safety at play - albiet, his father has put in a complaint to the working conditions he witnessed on visitng his son who is a vulnerable adult and easily exploitable -
If this was bwb employees doing the same job, which they did up until it was all tendered out to work schemes to cut costs to the bwb (staff redundencies then farming out) they would have full face visors and goggles, disposable gloves, safety gear incase of weils disease etc - a first aider on the team at all times incase of accidents and anyone slipping into the 'cut' - and they would be on upwards of £250 a week... not benefit rates for a 37hr week.
time for vast changes me reckons, as this just barks back to the manpower services schemes in the 1980s I witnessed through placements etc